If you’re into lonely house wives and websites where they are looking for sex, you might be thinking that any pussy is good pussy. Well, if you were back in high school or you just got out of prison, then that’s a good mentality to start with. Pay attention to what I just said, “start with”. I’m not saying that you should end with that mindset. In fact, if you’re a typical dude who didn’t just get released from prison or is not in high school, then that shouldn’t be your mindset at all.
You have to have principles. You have to have standards. If you’re just going to chase after any available pussy and hole that comes your way, chances are you would either end up dead with a fucked up disease or with your heart broken. None of these scenarios is good. None of these situations is worth shooting for. You need to pay attention to things that could fuck up your online dating experiences. You need to use match search websites the right way.
Avoid impossible standards
It’s easy for guys to think that just because a website promises to deliver tons of pussy that they are definitely justified in looking only for women that look like Kate Upton. Well, you can fantasize about that shit but chances are you probably are not going to get close to that type of pussy. You have to be realistic. I‘m not saying that you have to be so realistic that you settle for women that look like rats and cockroaches. I’m not saying that at all. You don’t have to settle for pigs, but you have to make sure that when you dream, your feet are firmly planted on the ground.
Don’t be afraid to start small
Personally, I would love to fuck a chick that looks like Ariana Grande. I don’t know of a guy who wouldn’t mind sharing the same fantasy. The problem is getting from point A to point Z involves jumping through many hoops. You have to step your game up gradually. So, don’t be afraid to start small. You might start out at one website and then graduate to another website with better women. Whatever the case may be, make sure that you’re always learning. The more you learn, the better you will get at the online pussy game. It really doesn’t get any simpler than that.